Revision Spanish PowerPoint lesson on AQA A2 Unit 5 Monarquías y dictaduras
Sound files for listening activities embedded in PowerPoints and Kerboodle access may be required
A2 Spanish PowerPoint lesson on AQA 5.3 Dictadores latinoamericanos
Sound files for listening activities embedded in PowerPoints and Kerboodle access may be required
A2 Spanish PowerPoint lesson on AQA 5.2 La evolución de la monarquía en España
Sound files for listening activities embedded in PowerPoints and Kerboodle access may be required
A2 Spanish PowerPoint lesson on AQA 5.1 La dictadura de Franco
Sound files for listening activities embedded in PowerPoints and Kerboodle access may be required
Bundle of A2 Spanish PowerPoint lesson on AQA Unit 5 Monarquías y dictaduras
Sound files for listening activities embedded in PowerPoints and Kerboodle access may be required
AS Spanish PowerPoint lesson on AQA 6.1 Sitios históricos y civilizaciones prehispánicas
Access to Kerboodle sound files needed for listening activities